We were lied to: we were trained not educated

Our teachers lied to us.

Our parents lied to us.

Our policymakers lied to us.

Our government lied to us.

We were trained, not educated.

We the people were given the wrong education.

This is one of the biggest frauds of all time.

We were taught to cram and reproduce to pass exams. We worked hard to cram contents in all textbooks. During exams, we wrote and wrote and downloaded everything.   Some of us – the chief crammers, got distinctions and made our parents proud.

Thanks to our good end of Term results, we were given holiday gifts and special meals. We knew that our future would be great once we attained the best grades. That is what we were told – once you read hard, you score 95% and above, you would succeed. It was a big lie.

Our teachers lied to us.

Our parents lied to us.

Our policymakers lied to us.

Our government lied to us.

We were trained, not educated.

We the people were given the wrong education.

This is one of the biggest frauds of all time.

We worked hard to pass the exams. We reviewed all the past paper questions. We reviewed answered to all past paper questions. We had a generic answer to all. We thought, quite wrongly that, life exams were that predictable. We thought that economic conditions were predictable. We thought that politicians were predictable. We thought that our leaders were predictable. We thought that jobs were predictable. We thought that once you finish studies everything would fall in place.  All these werelies.

Our teachers lied to us.

Our parents lied to us.

Our policymakers lied to us.

Our government lied to us.

We were trained, not educated.

We the people were given the wrong education.

This is one of the biggest frauds of all time.

We were made to come early to school but no one told us why. We were given timed examinations, but no one told us why. We were asked to compete in inter-school games, but no one told us why. We were caned when we stole pens, books, and other people’s ‘grab’ but no one told us why. We were made to clean our classrooms, but no one told us why. When we got jobs we are required to come early to work but we don’t know why. Our employers expect us to complete assignments in time but we don’t know why. We are expected to work hard and be competitive but we do not know why.

Our teachers lied to us.

Our parents lied to us.

Our policymakers lied to us.

Our government lied to us.

We were trained, not educated.

We the people were given the wrong education.

Foreign investors talk about us as unserious people.

Our local employers see us as problems. In fact, they call us dead weight. And on other days they saw we are corporate fat. We have been called all sorts of names including heavy load.

We come early. Do our best. Put in our best but our supervisors, managers, and employers never see all the good work we do however much we try. It seems that our excellent work is poor work. As we studied, we thought we have been prepared for the future. But that was not true.

Our teachers lied to us.

Our parents lied to us.

Our policymakers lied to us.

Our government lied to us.

We were trained, not educated.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2019. All rights reserved.

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