The banking industry has increased the usage of digital channels such as internet banking, digital wallets, mobile banking and ATM. This increases their exposure to cyber- related attacks which may lead to financial and reputational losses. Police reports in 2016 revealed that Uganda’s monetary loss to cybercrime was UGX. 122 billion. This increased to UGX. 151 billion ($42m) related to cyber criminals in 2017 alone! Is your bank part of these statistics?

The Institute of Forensics and ICT Security will hold a training on Cybersecurity for Banks on the 28th September 2018 at the Institute. This training will build a solid foundation of understanding for cyber risk management practices, improving your information security program for cyber threats, and clear auditing expectations to address this challenge.


Our Fees Options are as follows;                                                                          

Item Price (Ugx)
Option 1: Per person packageFee for per person to attend training at the Institute of Forensics & ICT Security
offices on the 28th September 2018.
Option 2: Customized PackageWe shall customize and undertake the training for your company at your own
venue and date (number of participants is unlimited).


To book space, call 0784270586 /0784270486 /0393206054 or email us on before 24th September 2018. 

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